

Leveraging user research to grow a startup

Leveraging user research to grow a startup

Leveraging user research to grow a startup

Milk Stork's home page.
Milk Stork's home page.

The problem

The problem

The problem

There is limited growth in retail because breastfeeding parents traveling for work is not a regularly repeating activity.

The team

The team

The team

  • 1 Product Designer

  • 1 Product Manager

  • MilkStork Stakeholders




Identify and prioritize opportunities in MilkStork's enterprise experience through qualitative, quantitative, and generative research methods:

  • Stakeholder interviews

  • Enterprise Audit

  • Competitive Analysis

  • User Interviews (3-5 per user segment)

  • User Surveys (sent to all in each user segment, excluding sensitive potential benefits managers)

For the full case study, please contact me.



Increasing engagement in micro-communities

Increasing engagement in micro-communities

Increasing engagement in micro-communities

Flipboard magazine cover broken down into sections.
Flipboard magazine cover broken down into sections.

The problem

The problem

The problem

Users aren’t engaging with the micro-communities in magazines.

The team

The team

The team

  • 1 Product Designer

  • 1 Product Manager

  • 3 Engineers (iOS, Android, Web)




We decided to focus on increasing contributions to magazines because it means users are investing more time and energy into the platform and are therefore more likely to form habits around their Flipboard usage.

For the full case study, please contact me.



Increasing flow completion

Increasing flow completion

Increasing flow completion

The problem

The problem

The problem

New users who are invited to collaborate on magazines rarely complete the accept-an-invite flow.

The team

The team

The team

  • 1 Product Designer

  • 1 Product Manager

  • 3 Engineers (iOS, Android, Web)




Since the topic picker does not affect the accept flow, I explored removing it. However, analytics show users who continue without choosing topics churn very quickly.

So, I suggested we remove the topic picker from the accept flow then show the topic picker to any topic-less user the first time they enter their For You feed.

This allows us to show users the topic picker directly where it will have impact, allowing users to see value in choosing topics.

For the full case study, please contact me.